Crafted for Joy in Daily Use
2025 Class Registration NOW OPEN
2-day Broom Class at Snow Farm in Massachusetts - April 25-27
Reopening May 2025
Village Handcraft is a storefront and workshop selling handmade goods for use in your home and kitchen. I carve and craft useful, beautiful items with hand tools that bring an extra dose of joy to common daily tasks like sweeping the floor, cooking dinner or cleaning up after the kids. Classes in various handcrafts and related skills are taught in the shop, primarily during the winter and spring. Periodic events offer the chance to meet other makers and build community through a shared love of handwork. Village Handcraft is a place of curiosity & experimentation in craft.
Eric McIntyre | Maker & Owner
Opening Day - Nov 26, 2021
As a store and my workshop, any visitor is welcome to come in and see the work that I have in process and to explore the finished items for sale that were made at my bench just on the other side of the room.
Sign up for the newsletter below to stay up to date on projects in the shop and to hear about upcoming offerings!